Monday, January 11, 2010

another night has slid by me without sleeping a wink

well maybe i fell into the keyboard twice
but no more than that and for some reason
i'm still going to be fine - today

so it is saturday and i've been
awake since thursday morning...

and the crickets’ legs have fallen off
waiting on me to shut my eyes
and i toss them in fire
just a bit
crunchy and hot
and i like the way they ooze
upon my tongue.
and i saw parrots flying
in the middle of the city
of bridgeport
and i knew overlapping
was possible.

and yesterday i did not think
i'd miss the night
but i did.
and here it is daybreak
and my eyes are just as tangoed
as the day before.

and i wonder...
if the scientists are right -
we need to sleep to forget
in order to remember better
and i have too many little details
still stuck in seat cushions of synapses
and they are gluing up the pathways
and i can't remember the big things anymore...
like how not to fuck up a friendship.
like how not to abandon your guts
like how not to listen to your dick
when your head is flying straight
for a change.

-Maggie Shurtleff


  1. Wow. What a pleasant surprise to see my writing here in the sky among these surreal constellations.

    the last line... is supposed to be
    "for a change" an uncorrected typo from AVQ.

    wonderful blog you have here.
    Maggie Shurtleff

  2. Hi Maggie

    I am quite ecstatic that you found your poem here, and I'm glad you like my blog. I had wondered whether the last line was a mistake, so thanks for clearing that up.

    I love your poem and find it wildly captivating, I've read some of your other work as well and look forward to seeing more of your poems in the future.



None of the poems posted on here were written by me, I simply choose poems that I like. Please check out my other blog, to view my own original poetry, as well as artwork, recipes, random musings and thoughts.
